
there must be one guy lucky and one guy unlucky in ten:  description for a set of people observed by japanese writer who is pretty famous. then another trial for another set of ten resolved the same result. intending has got a big problem he said.


 a subject which mysterious shift occurs abruptly on the system by unknown procedure is common to us.


willie shakes

those are stories of how one connects to the targets. matching gamer from Southampton simply tells a rule.


I  read a book as usual under frightened emotional condition as if another guy stole my life and he liked to read that book. if everything is made dual like this, i'd go seeming wrong side. i mean ghost way.


I  broke my old Macbook after many tests. Unix resisted to terminate the system which damaged. Finally it's gone. Now a term Unix is for a connection between relevant two. I don't want to be a owner of a shop which characterized by cash-cow anymore. Hard life is incremented by some giga. Over and over, the blog insists on possibility of another alternatives. A fine trick. I believe that novels are for describing mind in changes. There's only one object that described a success from pain called 'silence of lambs'.
This is the first time tied rope combated decaying self. Rudimentary it's taking off. Awesomeness of Darwin.
There's a rule which it's satisfied in attempt of killing viruses. And a rule of zone defense. Very ugly. I've loaded a driver which available for sixteen hours and a double-holic. I just wanna see ladies at high.
Poison and off setter, a stupid rule. Is that common in America? What about this irregular resource in a endless series? Now I can't survive without high socks and seaweed.
If the big purpose was erased, there left a stupid recreation of nothing-but-excited. A term 'little niche' for this morning has been almost covered. I believe it's just coffee is with its efficiency. Amazing, I can guess. Oh man, what was that sub product 'ugh ugh ugh' for?



Holding telegraph pole, turn around and smile again. The moment of meeting a person stays forever. And I'm finger licking good forever. All I want is going back to that moment or having another one. Aim for living
is simple with stupid amount.


Surfing at Lake Tahoe. Surfing at wintertime, dancing at summertime are obviously effective. Cold water and hot coffee is obviously a strike. They were on some shot of vodka with no doubt. My oily skin is kept dry. Let that oily skinned president back! We can jog a hundred miles for a cup of rice. We can dance to nothing for several hours a night under air conditioning and smoke.


I can't stop experimenting

My level minus meal taking experiment is going on fine. especially tequila and seaweed. You know what? Level plus is nasty. Chicken is an exception.

Do I become subscriber?

The New Yorker requires a buck for one week. So I moved to the Rollingstone waiting for an official response without dictionary.

Body talks

I fuck earth gravity and jumped up two steps higher to the floor Japanese. Ankle support remain still released. A lot of confidence even without language in any sophisticated town.


Final answer

it starts with smiling at customers. sell whatever resource i have. how clever being on heart of free market is. it works more than conscience. 
great concerning with no reason from lyrics
♫ Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. ♫
great concerning with no reason from a tweet
"Like it's ok to whine a little bit but to want sympathy from others and to pity yourself is stupid bc you're the one who put yourself here."
my old classmate explained why he rolls his big motorbike every weekend and exercise hard.
he thinks only twenty years left to accommodate those activity, then we are expired from all.
i have a different view from him that we are made to chase different gender instinctly. this activity is so precious more than eating. 


I was so much excited with word web game which I created last night. I feel lifetime spurt of memory augmentation.
barber shop owner across the street is feeding tortoise in front of his shop.
Alternative antibiotic is now taking effect. My soar throat is easing at kind of drastic pace. Phagocytosis are too slow.
Don't Pull Your Love / Hamilton Joe Frank and Rainols.  This record that boy purchased first time at a record shop drove him like a nut. Dunhill record.

but pigeon can return home, as well as i can identify panoramic view where it was. doubt about education. i don't know what threshold is cos disconnected, but i know when he used, and i can duplicate him.


i've been a timid fool without humility. they were craving crabs near the shore. they are abundant it says. i really don't remember when water tasted salty first time. of a specific work, this timid fool is talented like thrust fist in the air. if total evaluation is cancelled, what is this animal?
Incluso los cadáveres sonríen. / Even the dead are smiling.
terms 'even' and 'strain' are still disconnected. unable to punctuate them forever.  funky, who could be proud of with this definition? entertainer is a total flattery!
gulf is a deep bay in a sense.
Does winner of novel prize express his honor with those fuzzy feature in language? Could be could be with term like fuckin' unreal or damn good. I can't believe Spanish is so fuzzy. She is haunted. Last night I contemplated her.
Those pop music by juvenile girls are for middle age guys. I have a confidence.  tantalizing. It could happen in mind.
Show approval by strong negation. I can't think of it.
I found a character of regular ladies at the pub spot. they liked teenage pop group like Bay City Rollers. Maybe Justin Bieber at current. omg she loves boy forever. where the hell ladies who favor Thomas Jane stick to?
obligation sucks till i literary released from it by some high stuff
damn ; what is damn? shore picture of large deep bay was abstracted. maybe i can die early and deserve it as a survivor.


rusty pleasure to smash well. i feel body super light. of course black or white impersonation
to go. 
That's not a snatch how you get, that's a reckon inside you.
If I get some achievement, then I roll it out to the beach and watch them surf. omg how could? And shoot girls on the beach from distance.
 Let it evoke some groovy ride. That stuff is definitely a truck.


My idea of relation to the nature was to fuck it like an ape. Was that an attempt to become coherent?
 Here's another dual meaning verb 'fuck' to have sex or to ruin. I fuck beach and woods. I'd stay in grotto. it's a faltering effect of diet coke. it's an irony that brain workout consumes a lot of calories. being already settled in grotto. 
"Come on, you gotta try build and destroy," and "fail and learn." "No no no no, there comes volume adjustment at first." You see, don't forget lemons when you shoot. Ahaha, I'm fond of checking out conjugates in Spanish.
Once in a while porker was a catching trend in a office. They spent every lunchtime with playing porker. One started lunatic strategy that he put cards on the table earliest whatever he possessed, with his feeling determined and still. Others tried hard to figure him out. Consequently they lost again and again against cheapest.
Yeaaah, you've been walking on the way which I wanted to have.
Things went picking up the other alternatives. In other word, mess.
 An old doctor confessed his patient with full of sympathy that he had nothing good in his life. "But doctor, what you doing is killing me with an implicit tone of desperate, equal to there's nothing you can do for this asshole."
 Hippie's parade filled the sidewalk kept going on and on to far. Meeting faces through windshield told there's no such ideal in this world. Oh come on, tequila is a pure stuff. it could bring some effect. "Doc, am I doing right?", "yeah?"
  "Noooo dude, you don't understand us." "We are challengers against whatever monsters invisible, including such that result." 


I've used ankle support every single day for twenty years. That made left leg larger than right leg obviously. Now I need to prepare different seize of socks for covering it.


I have a different view of subject. It exists for fails and learnings. To total understanding Jonathan Livingston Seagull. You know, we need adventures throughout our life. I might give anybody a chance  to flight. And it up to them. As a next project. Let's see. God, tequila shot away.
Next project; Having products under the sea or ground level. seaweed fish potato tequila etc. "Let me see you move."
People in this village have got a new custom that they circulate money with modified barter trades. Mutual discount is catching trend. Economy doesn't seem quite good and people seek to survive.


I can't trip with alcohol, so that I wipe that dirty smile off.  Go to beach alone and watch sea, it can't be a fool. At counter at the blues bar, I confessed that I like contradiction to neighbors, drinking pale ale with nuts.
I'm a handyman to fix anything for a cheap fee. Beer monkey perceived that it rather be nice to drink cheap beer than to drink expensive one till knockout.


you can't directly express what happened in you, but carry on to the issues via syntaxes. Anyway the language stands for the state of personal mind.
To love contradictions, if you think it to be enjoyable. Straight stands for tricks and curves.
There left three in this village. Crazy mama, weed bro, and lunatic high of gene's uniqueness of digital deafs. Digital deaf of two by two, I know who I am. Unfortunately I know It can't be a cube.  sad isn't it.
" I hate chaos and liquid infusion."
I dedicate these work to papa flying in the sky. Let this digital deaf to rescue a boss by two by two, if he could. "your brain sucks, that doesn't matter."
It took thirty minutes to enter this solid new computer. I forgot password made by rearrangement of the name.

By test over test, eventually I figured out mama's hospital's new infrastructure for the computer network. Happy as well as a current song "happy," to connect this cheapest Lenovo onto it. Can you believe that Japanese company set either air or fiber at the end point?

I invited my doctor elder brother to go out drinking in the nicest city in Japan. He's greatly missing chances to meet people. Digital deaf now ready to play some typographical games. I believe my elder bro to find new girlfriend so easily.

Human never can survive alone. Human is born to be lonely. Clever to know this mortal game. This game is made of contradiction and is extremely cheap. One law with static, "Happy people never seek to be superior," which I've tested already. So wipe that dirty smile off bro.

I'm a dentist and I hate very much who's practicing dentistry upon this country's social system. I believe Milton Friedman and Adam Smith on market principles. I  feel unguided with decisions which this countries top makes. They fail anyway, I guaratee.

Hey blue eyes baby, you not satisfied, I know.
boss shoot a crossing point of several lines which i draw very subtle. I thought only
mama can do it. she's amazing. a report from rural japan; code name,  agatha.
if someone can cover more than mama, she's monster. usually people aren't interested in this kind of game that catch from rewinding tape.


I  protected and conserved theories which I perceived as much as I could.  I'm ready. weimar  japon, i can't think of others. sorry about this beer monkey.


Love song sounds excellent when I'm falling down to the hell. The moment of gamble and addiction. Then I know what I'm loving literary. Heaven and hell, you never know these hyper catching me, approaching Christopher in Deer Hunter.
I can't see how deeply someone catching me, Probably neither do you. Ready to upgrade those communications to gospel? One solution left, is that I become endless Santana. Every alcohol drinkers are soulful. Oh god, how could you punish them physically.
Don't mazed by stereo type evaluations that authorities judged. Here's greatest performance in 70s. And everyday is 70s, that I love nature and surroundings as much as I can without forms.
When my bone marrow grasped by someone, it means game over, and time to surrender. Because it's simply cheap, ahaha. The game over.


So dude can catch a leap in someone he fonds of. And liked Willie once in a while.

"Kathy, I'm lost," I said, though I knew she was sleeping

once in a while they disliked posting lyrics.


Hey, look over there, "I missed you" sign up,  SMILE. Remember? Ninety percent of communications are done by body language. Now,a problem. You need to say, "It doesn't matter" or "whatever" by language including Morse code.
 I define that my power is supplied with a female person, not literature. A contradiction.
"Hey girl. what makes you jog ten miles a day?" Now the time to find out by body language. "You, with Beautiful  hair, what happened?" "This must be a lucky." "Or this must be a tell of forever searching affection."  My cherie amour, how powerful I am.


urge; is a word from kicker *advise with *emphasizer. There's no meaning in u-r-g-e, till it's disciplined.
no tenemos tanta vida/ we have not much life.  Spanish terms have rich variations. without exception a term "tener/ we have" be.
I browsed Youtube with a keyword "nonsense hiphop dance." happy double weekend.
Being deprived of money has ceased.


It can't be inspired by oneself. "Proved." It happened at the crazy spare time on alcohol.  No more draw back by dreams. We are equally simple and sometime unguided. We are fool like  forget  everything without small charges.
Since it 's been a long time being as a nerd.  for twenty years. I've been upgraded  much myself so that I'm enough to communicate with visitors.
I should go out and drink beer, talk to people.
A country liquor shop has exhibited various ales. "By some miracle." Owner might have very unique background.

Does this renaissance escalate into play? Wait, someone I've reckoned inverse their character and become friend. World is in a mess like Valerie, of a coincidence we've already shared background. I'm prospecting good news.  "Play."It echoes. For instance, dress like an English man. Meanwhile the tide changes. Already truly disguised, haven't we?


Oath is a dual word. One kick word is promise, then swear. Another kick word is anger, then offensive. That's Asian comprehend.
I can temporary synchronize with pitches, but I can't memorize them. Sorry about that. Am I excusing? Nay. There are some words I can't associate with. Sorry about that either. Both permanently disconnected.
That was English man's excursion of languages. The game was pretty. The final match should be in England with no doubt.


I wanna get out this concentrated poison life always. "Weed inside me." No, I don't move along logic. "Knockout." I know I like it.
Oh god, please let this old boy possess a sense to taste Dutch coffee with your highest mercy. "Such a bitch."

"Let me see you move, come on." at 2.26

Say it, on the street or wherever, if it were a chance. Conceiving the next hair style, "more of Justin."
I'm obsessed from Southampton guy's word game. And I feel body light. Could be a manifest of the gate city. May I try on your word?


I was joking and reading GEB this morning. Then I was shocked with this sentence.
"The upshot is that we can transfer the study of any formal system - in fact the study of all formal systems - into number theory." someone please tell me about possibility of stag-hyper-inflation economy, in other words "soft currency devaluation." Of a thought possibility of  any formal ambiguity.
He is in his imagination as village Brad Pitt,  in reality as Limb Pinocchio convincingly. These are pretty normal. Human motorcycle theory over isomorphism.  In other words, "relax please ." I have a doubt about eyes and its projection. "Let me see your move." covers psycho. Wow, I'm a psycho senior. Come on bro, on the other side of the world. Every party room should be filled with weed smoke. "and take it easy, I don't wanna see your cheap play."


So, what shall we do, Willie?  'Permission' and 'consent',  I shall memorize both at fuckin' one stroke.
Taking weak poison in order to sorrow poor talent, that's everybody does. Dispose this day. "If I were..," "Shuddah fuck up." I  always feel you guys so smooth.


Or I live like air.  Really?
Don't worry, the message has reached.  to act then.
No estimation, no expectation.  "Do you mean it a fire ball ?" "'Yeah fire ball to ash then."
This fruit cake style meal taking gradually influences on mentality.


Consequence of passion, I never regret. Let us send armed force into the brewery!
Japanese invaded Korea twice in history. Why do these naughty events need to be disguised as bravery? I hate island cheats.
Dyson, he is the king on earth by means of true contribution. You guys so classic focusing on fuckin' novel prize. I mean one by one, cause and result. He identified himself with fuckin' turbo tornado.
"Beauty is to be a permanent individual in relation to mother nature."
Farmers work with reference to the position of sun's heat. I found it over my shoulder. Beauty's everywhere unlike in imagination. Paradox, that I'm belonging to. To share the moment, must be the supreme happiness on earth.

Awesome Brad Pitt as a driver beneath the surface.
No, there's no such thing belonging to the higher hierarchy. In between, the level of animals drives us all. I don't believe in love. You guys in a mood, should be killed in the future. Never regret these cheap chemistry. And never let our queen touch her remorse.
One try to pick up, one respond to it. Communication has diversity depend on their personality. Pub chat will get old sooner or later. Here we go again America, the mettle should be full.
Once mind sunken in big failure , alive again by conscience. Greeting, gentlemen in redemption.
Now the footing firmer than ever.
A bartender dressed in waitress said he's from the central Europe. Contact with blue eyes left me an impression of their clearness. p.s.  over counter, he asserted that the best city is Hyderberg.
Small feast now ready to be killed

Mistake goes on and on until I find this system being consistent under particular condition.
Focus, on Teri 's awesome eye movement during her first chorus.
I need alcohol to manage this cold.
It's about 1min 23sec passed from the beginning,   drama happens. Focus


Is there anything good made without paradox?
The devil take order now! I'll to the throng; Let life be short, else shame will be too long.


This Jap prefers Willie the Shakes. 
I found his holding angle of scissor being perfectly fixed during his cutting hair in the mirror. Stared at it for several minutes because it was beautiful. Ultimately figured out this guy's talent and our future. I went short.
god said, "even though you have fine operation, still being primitive," "always update yourself by new definition," and then,"it'll lead you to the less panic city."  so i figured out a new operation "either new or update."
cause me to be a human variable not a machine anymore in the panic city.


dried fish and oranges, straight to the Village Brad Pitt
all is inherited and in possession. i can't know me outside the mental institution. 'have tests'. the city is panic.
"very attractive woman"he said.
Brad Pitt should be the main actor according to the story flow.
mover always be beneath the surface
and he doesn't care
"true, a ha." 
do it to him.


You always remind me of origin 
Sense of catching word is equal to sense of catching present. Southampton guy was doing so.
'Dedication' I think I can be a true fool


Is that a sound of wedding or is that a sound of funeral?  I'm attracted 
A boy grow up in love from parents, becomes an adult. If he has some senses, no doubt he does as an adult and as a father being enhanced also multiplied by means of love. "Get yourself learning."
I persuaded her that the most valuable thing in business being credibility held  between two persons. And she responded to it over action. This country never be setting sun. "Fuck you." To massive attack,  the lowest and most manner is protection.
How much has pub chat contributed to giants from London? I don't see any subject cooler than  English as a subject for Asian senior. Final goal: To chat at a pub as an epic Asian senior. I prefer standard to dark ales.


Don't be shy, those are affairs on fucking wireless nowadays
Let us have some chats among those who's being curious about each other. I know what you've got
Hey Carlos, talk to me
I wept and cried like a juvenile girl what she did alone in her tidy room. Couldn't stop those happened on my eyes. And couldn't convert those feelings into positive one. So I read literatures at the time in between operations on cleaning up my office.
How straight my blues harp has ringed for two days
I can't believe this song Adale's  Right as Rain suits this oriental city with its atmosphere
I think I can see lyrics of Time Culture Club.  How it suits us steady gathering there at night club.


She held senior guy's hand and  took him to the taxi stop because he was deeply drunk. Without any words. Under the dull foggy sky. He doesn't remember  what she was like.  Through the Taxi window, she gave him an another eye contact which is a kind of big one and which is pretty rare in Japan. "This one can't be a few days of lasting, bastard." It's her endeavor to establish senior integration
Shooting numb kicker
Season of pop music started. How can I don't let them go


And she opened the door entered into the room with her eyes of a message ; that I missed you. FUCK YOU you DON'T SEE ME THROUGH THOUGH
But I'm Okay. I'm with you now. NOT like a poetry that someone else made
Feeling always is concentrated too much. I tell you of its details (by or with or from) words
I saw you on Twitter that you sung blues on Wednesday 
Cause I wanna talk
Does it last only for three days? Oh come on you take this forever
A WALKING PARADOX: I heaped extremely over valued definitions on a living animal.
Definition; is the easiest thing to be reversed by earth gravity.
THE GAME OF EYE CONTACT: very good eye contact provide me a power which enables me to survive under hard rain for three days. It should be consist of a variety of colors. blue green brown black etc. Come on watch my eyes


Never haven't seen without, that Love and hate moving this world. A credibility, is an another issue
Half a night I cried about my Bellbottoms. I couldn't manage my eyes kept wet. In other words, I sung blues half a night through though. But its okay now.  I'm feeling Santana
Anyway with whom do I wanna share this song with?

Santana feat. Michelle Branch - The Game Of Love

Daily reminder

It took 30 years to understand offbeat in Soultrain.
It took 20 years to understand math. 
It took 10 years to figure out her mind.
And so on.
What guy should do is now obvious.
It's just check out.
In other words, say something.
And I'm trashed.
Much better than memories.
They are always curious about each other.


One in a hundred must win in the game. Have you ever thought about it?

Alcohol makes you think that you sound smart while actually making you objectively dumber. Anyone who's been sober at a bar is familiar with this paradox.



I'm learning from kids. All adults don't seem being cool.
I hope my body regains juvenile shape like Pinocchio.


In movie theatre

Have you ever drunk beer in movie theatre alone? It's gonna be fun I guess. Especially on Saturday evening.


Lie works

"Money is arrived!" (lie) works in any occasion. I learned this from the movie 'The taking of Pelham one two three(1974)'



When I'm happy, I do happy thing. 
 I don't need to prepare for the next thing coming. I stay believe in mind and it's power.


Ken Kesey's quote

“This world . . . belongs to the strong, my friend! The ritual of our existence is based on the strong getting stronger by devouring the weak. We must face up to this. No more than right that it should be this way. We must learn to accept it as a law of the natural world. The rabbits accept their role in the ritual and recognize the wolf is the strong. In defense, the rabbit becomes sly and frightened and elusive and he digs holes and hides when the wolf is about. And he endures, he goes on. He knows his place. He most certainly doesn't challenge the wolf to combat. Now, would that be wise? Would it?” 


It requires at least three beers to raise my soul, making returning difficult.
Yes, I am going to attach to the white head and suck up something real.


On holiday

Getting up in the early hours of the morning on holiday and then just reading a book is an amusement which gentleman can afford.


popular weekend breaks

Rhythm should be made by programming, the dance should be funny. I'm thinking about the weekend.
'Do,' she said to me in a whisper, 'do take me, big boy. Outa this here mill, outa this town, outa this life. Take me to some ol' duck blind someplace. Someplace else. Huh, big boy, huh?'


Life Time Fitness

the man who being in the spotlight only makes sense in his life. is that a final answer?


bullet and trigger

why do i always pull trigger instead of taking advices and holding it in ultimate case like panic?
it suggests that passion doesn't do good to me and there's no love on earth.
because what i did was just locked the direction for one way in the first place at falling.
and ready for pulling trigger anytime.
a man introduced himself as a man with multi divorces.
that's not unusual at the secret club.


pavlov's dog

Why do I try to memorize choreography? I feel like I'm trying to be a pavlov's dog trained by me. During session, I experienced so many panics like I lost all the memories and just stood up in void.
Youtube instructor advised that 'when it happened, took it back to the beginning'.


Kings insight and 10 wrong scholars

British old story. it's title goes like V.  So I picked up Henry V today and focusing on kings speech.
King; Let this old boy go, to see how he figures out our Shakespeare.
Scholar; But we have never seen optional meaning like comedy in his texture.
King; Shut the fuck up! I said let the old boy go. 


ma gamelon

Digest; interesting brief speech appears after about 4mitues 35 seconds passed. Last two minutes is nice


I'm not interested in playing music. I've been fond of Appletone sice 80s.
On conscience, term (apprehend) is much lower at the capturing level compared to term  (comprehend)Numerically or by quantity. Big Voice Jap came from the future far east.Touching finger to the back of mouth practically. Material; people like us The mamas and papas; chordify. Very Hard to catch two parts of harmony without chord mechanics. Beautiful.                                                                                                                                                                                   


He was the only man she knew to whom she could speak without strain or effort. You remember this phrase and when the time has come, get him bucket shower upon him with this.
So Mcmurphy ultimately got malfunction with his head. It means to me, in relation to a ward policy, may or not running on the rule written by someone else.
So I bended myself, swapped with axis of someone else . Why this happen everyday without learning? Because of one who  strategy less or on it. One side game was avoided, that's not a point.



Every was surprised at this guys ultimate gaining, elegant..  It drew guys confidence back one inch lower, buoyed ladies heart one inch above the level. It was almost like Daniel-san's final state of his attempt.  Don't try to be attractive, just enjoy the beat what you got. Nobody can perform more than beat inside you that you got this week.


So I explained to him, the blues master, what I've got today about music one by one like putting cards on the counter we are facing at. He eventually picked up his favorite record Ray Charles and put the needle on it. So I danced. Like I showed him a strike he got. 


Adèle & Zalem, Didgeridoo Duet

Bouillon Oyoyoyoyoyo
Movie?  Fufu fufu
Burrito Burrito Burrito Burrito


Ellen page juggling

welcome to the image factory
balls are just circulating and back to zero
nothing positive
 dude you are wrong
her hand-catch doesn't allow balls falling at any chances