
to me girls in private junior high school were nice and cute they reminded me of any songs of Bread, nice but little bit short to adult's . So i brought and played Bread every night on any player if its possible. it must be pretty peculiar to Judo teacher or someone who tightly educational.
my mother gave me fierce educational comment every day. " if you don't read books, your face gonna be look like monkey." it didn't work.  aside from hers, i found Sherlock Holmes and I sacrificed whole summer vacation to him and Watson, murders and mysteries.
on the first corner i get cappuccino, holding it, then the second corner i get chronicle. And sip and read, walke on. Beautiful morning isn't it?
Far east monkey survived by eating raw fish. Mongolian monkey survived by eating tartar. Great deviation from nuts history aren't they? Remember rain forest . .  is all i want to say.
i failed final test of driving license on the road. i couldn't go home during the first half of summer vacation. alone in the small flat and visiting Tokyo desert was like a darkest summer for a youth thinkable.


i know she helped me because of her too much contentment. i stood up and shouted "please teacher don't be so cruel to girls!" it was her crucial time in a class.

i hit in the window shield by hand sitting beside my mother driving vehicle as soon as 'Saturaday in the park' came out from radio. it was Sunday afternoon and i felt pity living in dormitory far away from home. maybe . . maybe i couldn't express how i  hiked on this song then to express nothing but with adolescent anger instantly.
"you mother why visiting me only on Sunday?" feeling happiness turned into the way aggressive. it happens sometimes, tell me why then?
No one in the world . . Loving too.


A great impact has to be end with something .. something new with great uniqueness and out of imagination. ugh, I can't describe it exactly what it's like.


Drinking alcohol reveals my gospel in background. i'm happy with having nuts. Do you see a gospel behind a book while you magnetized to a particular book? J.D. Salinger  Shakespeare and another one to form triangle. Very spiritual.
I think Warren Buffet got a contact with alien in vastly wide yellow field in Nebraska.


if you are a monkey, you can survive only with nuts. prove it!
nebraskan got really cosmic thing. i'm attracted to
Leftist man being just a cat to misstra know it all. and misstra know it all being just a punk to that
but he said he is monkey. my digressive atittude isn't new i think. so you don't be hesitate to be a true monkey.


i discovered memorizing origin of words resembles memorizing choreography today. forgetting is a real void and emptiness in head and i can do nothing for that great blank but return to the beginning.
dry air and squared cut stones calling me. Jew Jap whatever. keep motivate and activate my threshold area which inherited from ancestor. even though a low ability,  i trust that area of vagueness automatically brings me really good things. i'm kinda religious man today.


i'm testing threshold language from middle east. right in between body and literal language. simultaneously i'm trying to prove part of my gene came from that dry hot country. it's my attitude to know the root of my subject.  and it is a inherited religious chant in my bone to know the roots from source, methink.

things immoral to the religious manner appeared to be too anarchy every time i face them. and by effort of knowing anarchical matter, i'm retarded again and again in and out of my holy rituals is a consistent trend these days.

things emerged on threshold area cannot have concrete message to you, but it can transfer at least my temper to you.

fail can give me some redemption of an uncovered impact and it's importance, that's why i fail again in near future. i guess all is from laboring in threshold, of and at compensations.


imagine, visitor from outer planet still has to live on earth by his laws of his planet. imagine, from his view of his planet, folks on earth doing very anarchy with any of their choices. And imagine, person you favor came from another planet.  Law itself is anarchy. Ugh. Stevie's Another star could be a laugh in specific case.


my heart almost is explosive in the midnight

I'm found of diesel engine because it is analogous to the human heart. In the midnight, I wake up with my heart at full diesel throttle and my vision covered with metal color is a phenomena of super nature these days. imagine both diesel engine and heart at peak performance in the midnight and that wakes you up.
before having thought or image, drastic heart beats come. why?
I'm thinking those are another type of sleeping paralysis. true heart beat hit me at neither sport nor exercise, it comes alone in the midnight in bed.


some extra monkey managed to induce new hormone for surviving. evolution went like this. a verge is necessary for the test of some specific case.
let them know what this old idiot like
sage means wise, shrewed
omg, visage means face, portrait
Paolo Rossi's mental football kicked in

i've got only two chances a day. morning caffein and evening alcohol


did i live mine today?
boy, have you ever seen Italian soccer? It's from a true latin blood driving them all. compared to theirs, your soccer sucks. Italian italian
I've lost a ritual of acceptance today. I am what i feel, Italian


i confirmed blue rimS around my eyeballs came from very far. not a sign of specific illness. 
Kurtz embraces any of yours and faults
feeling was ranked higher than details. arbitrary judgement ranked higher than standard.
deceiving calls more deception, let Them go 
i Took his Evocation as Superiority of extremely strong and crazy deception.  love it. 
of course I used Glenfiddich to damage delicate responses, over and over again.  I lost retention and it   disappointed female teacher from Nebraska. 
word 'break' is a word which very hard to catch for me. so it's hard catch disrupt and erupt either.


still one peculiar ability never missed the target. drive me more monkey
I'm already dead in this life and my whole being is relying on Jim. I've never expected that this tropical rain forest be the last place. Come on Jim, I'm ready
I upset and upset and upset, when I recognized that I have to let go condor to fly away. 
I asked chinese owner of a small restaurant near Ocean Beach, if I could make bonfire over there at the Ocean Beach. He couldn't make clear answer to me about that issue. Drove me into a consolidation state.

Spanish English speaker has got a lot of advantages for etymology practicing. Beer Monkey would choose a heavy metal way to go for it. After 30 minutes of driving vehicle, warming up completed and  piston howls like crazy metals. Consolidation could be Kurtz's nightmare. He can't be a flower children of 60s. I survived today, thanks tree god.


from a view from monkey, human being is a living animal which be able to run into own imagination in other words masturbation pro. Look! male can emit even with a picture of curves of landscape.  the bitch knows it. if every male caught Kurtz's heart in stead of ero senior, history could have changed. true man can be proud of fading away as Kurtz accepted. that movie aimed to invoke
Kurtz's single message.
belief is stronger than science permanently unchanged
mistake occurs only because of monkey didn't recognize a picture of origin. or maybe he swapped original picture with his familiar and convenient one. every monkey is naughty. monkey cannot live on continuous plane but hierarchical one. monkey cannot tolerate disruption.
exchanging eyes is the same ritual as exchanging pictures in deepest. if they matched, energy released for example sudden brightness. the moment of truth of being monkeys under the affection of weed.
abrupt run in high pitched stroke
into the convenience store
satisfied with usual dizziness


I deserve to shine his success and beauty, I confirmed my ultimate position



usually organic compound behaves based on double pendulum

never catch and do formula by formula cos i'm pretty organic. but i know the system works browsing nodes and paths. i knew it by intuition.
he's safe, amazing. i considered to commit suicide.


everychicken's pivot in 20 minutes

surgeon can't be great if he doesn't know what new means to him. what 'new' is controlling us.
chicken has a chance to become king only in 20 minutes after he encountered the 'new', so he hurry up to grab what 'new' means to him and to entire his life. i never see a chance for him to except that given short period.

catch you in the oscillation

 suddenly memory comes up with alternative meaning while i'm watching a highjack movie. need some physical kicks for the dullness to know the truth. awesomeness. the guy and I have a common experience. and he and he.. leading me to a solution. guessing that guy can't take betrays by colleague anymore in his life.
survivor of 9.11 airplane crush denoted he had a bad feeling in the morning. focusing on the people on the other side, man who had a bad feeling but by acquisition he forced himself to go to the office. if men varies this way, what kind of guy is this with relation to occurrences?
plenty of twists and spins still generate a feeling of linear. it is dull like this.