
No se si quedan amigos Ni si existe el amor Si puedo contar contigo Para hablar de dolor
Si existe alguien que escuche Cuando alzo la voz Y no sentirme solo
Puede ser que la vida me guié hasta el sol
Puede ser que el mal domine tus horas O que toda tu risa le gane ese pulso al dolor
Puede ser que lo malo sea hoy
Voy haciendo mis planes Voy sabiendo quien soy Voy buscando mi parte
Voy logrando el control
Van jugando contigo Van rompiendo tu amor Van dejándote solo
Muy solo
Naces y vives solo
Naces y vives solo
Naces y vives solo hoy
Algo puede mejorar Algo que pueda encontrar Algo que me de ese alientoQue me ayude a imaginar
Y yo lo quiero lograr Ya no quiero recordar Y darle tiempo a este momento Que me ayude a superar
Que me de tu sentimiento
Puede ser que la vida me guié hasta el sol Puede ser que el mal domine tus horas O que toda tu risa le gane ese pulso al dolor
Puede ser que lo malo sea hoy (x2)
No lo puedo mejorar
Algo que pueda inventar
Que me ayude a imaginar
Yo no lo puedo lograr
Read more: El Canto Del Loco - Puede Ser Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

I don't know if there're still friends Or if love exists If I can count on you to talk about pain
If there's someone to hear me when I raise my voice not to feel so alone.
Maybe life will lead me to the sun
Maybe evil will control your time Or all your laughter may win the arm-wrestle against pain
Maybe the bad day is just today
You are born and die alone
You are born and die alone
You are born and die alone today
I start making plans
I start knowing who I am
I start looking for my place
I start to be in control
They start messing with you
They start breaking your love
They start living you alone
You are born and die alone
You are born and die alone
You are born and die alone today
Something might get better I could find something
Something to give me the strength I need to help me imagine
And I want to find it
I don't want to remember any more 
And give time to this moment which will help get over it which will give me your feelings
Maybe life will lead me to the sun
Maybe evil will control your time
Or all your laughter may win the arm-wrestle against pain
Maybe the bad day is just today
Maybe life will lead me to the sun
Maybe evil will control your time
Or all your laughter may win the arm-wrestle against pain, against pain, against pain, against pain...
Something might get better
I could find something
Something to help me imagine
I want to find it

Taken from http://lyricstranslate.com/en/puedo-ser-maybe.html#ixzz3Z6bZdKNs