
there must be one guy lucky and one guy unlucky in ten:  description for a set of people observed by japanese writer who is pretty famous. then another trial for another set of ten resolved the same result. intending has got a big problem he said.


 a subject which mysterious shift occurs abruptly on the system by unknown procedure is common to us.


willie shakes

those are stories of how one connects to the targets. matching gamer from Southampton simply tells a rule.


I  read a book as usual under frightened emotional condition as if another guy stole my life and he liked to read that book. if everything is made dual like this, i'd go seeming wrong side. i mean ghost way.


I  broke my old Macbook after many tests. Unix resisted to terminate the system which damaged. Finally it's gone. Now a term Unix is for a connection between relevant two. I don't want to be a owner of a shop which characterized by cash-cow anymore. Hard life is incremented by some giga. Over and over, the blog insists on possibility of another alternatives. A fine trick. I believe that novels are for describing mind in changes. There's only one object that described a success from pain called 'silence of lambs'.
This is the first time tied rope combated decaying self. Rudimentary it's taking off. Awesomeness of Darwin.
There's a rule which it's satisfied in attempt of killing viruses. And a rule of zone defense. Very ugly. I've loaded a driver which available for sixteen hours and a double-holic. I just wanna see ladies at high.
Poison and off setter, a stupid rule. Is that common in America? What about this irregular resource in a endless series? Now I can't survive without high socks and seaweed.
If the big purpose was erased, there left a stupid recreation of nothing-but-excited. A term 'little niche' for this morning has been almost covered. I believe it's just coffee is with its efficiency. Amazing, I can guess. Oh man, what was that sub product 'ugh ugh ugh' for?



Holding telegraph pole, turn around and smile again. The moment of meeting a person stays forever. And I'm finger licking good forever. All I want is going back to that moment or having another one. Aim for living
is simple with stupid amount.


Surfing at Lake Tahoe. Surfing at wintertime, dancing at summertime are obviously effective. Cold water and hot coffee is obviously a strike. They were on some shot of vodka with no doubt. My oily skin is kept dry. Let that oily skinned president back! We can jog a hundred miles for a cup of rice. We can dance to nothing for several hours a night under air conditioning and smoke.


I can't stop experimenting

My level minus meal taking experiment is going on fine. especially tequila and seaweed. You know what? Level plus is nasty. Chicken is an exception.

Do I become subscriber?

The New Yorker requires a buck for one week. So I moved to the Rollingstone waiting for an official response without dictionary.

Body talks

I fuck earth gravity and jumped up two steps higher to the floor Japanese. Ankle support remain still released. A lot of confidence even without language in any sophisticated town.


Final answer

it starts with smiling at customers. sell whatever resource i have. how clever being on heart of free market is. it works more than conscience. 
great concerning with no reason from lyrics
♫ Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. ♫
great concerning with no reason from a tweet
"Like it's ok to whine a little bit but to want sympathy from others and to pity yourself is stupid bc you're the one who put yourself here."
my old classmate explained why he rolls his big motorbike every weekend and exercise hard.
he thinks only twenty years left to accommodate those activity, then we are expired from all.
i have a different view from him that we are made to chase different gender instinctly. this activity is so precious more than eating. 


I was so much excited with word web game which I created last night. I feel lifetime spurt of memory augmentation.
barber shop owner across the street is feeding tortoise in front of his shop.
Alternative antibiotic is now taking effect. My soar throat is easing at kind of drastic pace. Phagocytosis are too slow.
Don't Pull Your Love / Hamilton Joe Frank and Rainols.  This record that boy purchased first time at a record shop drove him like a nut. Dunhill record.

but pigeon can return home, as well as i can identify panoramic view where it was. doubt about education. i don't know what threshold is cos disconnected, but i know when he used, and i can duplicate him.


i've been a timid fool without humility. they were craving crabs near the shore. they are abundant it says. i really don't remember when water tasted salty first time. of a specific work, this timid fool is talented like thrust fist in the air. if total evaluation is cancelled, what is this animal?
Incluso los cadáveres sonríen. / Even the dead are smiling.
terms 'even' and 'strain' are still disconnected. unable to punctuate them forever.  funky, who could be proud of with this definition? entertainer is a total flattery!
gulf is a deep bay in a sense.
Does winner of novel prize express his honor with those fuzzy feature in language? Could be could be with term like fuckin' unreal or damn good. I can't believe Spanish is so fuzzy. She is haunted. Last night I contemplated her.
Those pop music by juvenile girls are for middle age guys. I have a confidence.  tantalizing. It could happen in mind.
Show approval by strong negation. I can't think of it.
I found a character of regular ladies at the pub spot. they liked teenage pop group like Bay City Rollers. Maybe Justin Bieber at current. omg she loves boy forever. where the hell ladies who favor Thomas Jane stick to?
obligation sucks till i literary released from it by some high stuff
damn ; what is damn? shore picture of large deep bay was abstracted. maybe i can die early and deserve it as a survivor.


rusty pleasure to smash well. i feel body super light. of course black or white impersonation
to go. 
That's not a snatch how you get, that's a reckon inside you.
If I get some achievement, then I roll it out to the beach and watch them surf. omg how could? And shoot girls on the beach from distance.
 Let it evoke some groovy ride. That stuff is definitely a truck.


My idea of relation to the nature was to fuck it like an ape. Was that an attempt to become coherent?
 Here's another dual meaning verb 'fuck' to have sex or to ruin. I fuck beach and woods. I'd stay in grotto. it's a faltering effect of diet coke. it's an irony that brain workout consumes a lot of calories. being already settled in grotto. 
"Come on, you gotta try build and destroy," and "fail and learn." "No no no no, there comes volume adjustment at first." You see, don't forget lemons when you shoot. Ahaha, I'm fond of checking out conjugates in Spanish.
Once in a while porker was a catching trend in a office. They spent every lunchtime with playing porker. One started lunatic strategy that he put cards on the table earliest whatever he possessed, with his feeling determined and still. Others tried hard to figure him out. Consequently they lost again and again against cheapest.
Yeaaah, you've been walking on the way which I wanted to have.
Things went picking up the other alternatives. In other word, mess.
 An old doctor confessed his patient with full of sympathy that he had nothing good in his life. "But doctor, what you doing is killing me with an implicit tone of desperate, equal to there's nothing you can do for this asshole."
 Hippie's parade filled the sidewalk kept going on and on to far. Meeting faces through windshield told there's no such ideal in this world. Oh come on, tequila is a pure stuff. it could bring some effect. "Doc, am I doing right?", "yeah?"
  "Noooo dude, you don't understand us." "We are challengers against whatever monsters invisible, including such that result." 


I've used ankle support every single day for twenty years. That made left leg larger than right leg obviously. Now I need to prepare different seize of socks for covering it.


I have a different view of subject. It exists for fails and learnings. To total understanding Jonathan Livingston Seagull. You know, we need adventures throughout our life. I might give anybody a chance  to flight. And it up to them. As a next project. Let's see. God, tequila shot away.
Next project; Having products under the sea or ground level. seaweed fish potato tequila etc. "Let me see you move."
People in this village have got a new custom that they circulate money with modified barter trades. Mutual discount is catching trend. Economy doesn't seem quite good and people seek to survive.


I can't trip with alcohol, so that I wipe that dirty smile off.  Go to beach alone and watch sea, it can't be a fool. At counter at the blues bar, I confessed that I like contradiction to neighbors, drinking pale ale with nuts.
I'm a handyman to fix anything for a cheap fee. Beer monkey perceived that it rather be nice to drink cheap beer than to drink expensive one till knockout.