
ma gamelon

Digest; interesting brief speech appears after about 4mitues 35 seconds passed. Last two minutes is nice


I'm not interested in playing music. I've been fond of Appletone sice 80s.
On conscience, term (apprehend) is much lower at the capturing level compared to term  (comprehend)Numerically or by quantity. Big Voice Jap came from the future far east.Touching finger to the back of mouth practically. Material; people like us The mamas and papas; chordify. Very Hard to catch two parts of harmony without chord mechanics. Beautiful.                                                                                                                                                                                   


He was the only man she knew to whom she could speak without strain or effort. You remember this phrase and when the time has come, get him bucket shower upon him with this.
So Mcmurphy ultimately got malfunction with his head. It means to me, in relation to a ward policy, may or not running on the rule written by someone else.
So I bended myself, swapped with axis of someone else . Why this happen everyday without learning? Because of one who  strategy less or on it. One side game was avoided, that's not a point.